
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Ep011 - Transformational Breathwork with Jessie Laute
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Jessie is a Life Coach and Transformational Breath®️ Facilitator whose mission is to help others break negative patterns, heal from past trauma and to live a fully conscious and authentic life.
Jessie discovered breathwork after leaving the challenges of her corporate world behind 4 years ago. Jessie explains how It was life-changing, allowing her to reconnect with self, manage stress, improve relationships, integrate past trauma and find her calling.
Jessie trained in Brazil, Mexico, US, the UK and is now based in London sharing this powerful tool to help transform lives. Jessie is passionate about working with individuals, groups, businesses and also children as they are our future.
In this episode we talk about:
How Jessie found breathwork following her experience of trauma in childhood after losing her father in a fire. She explained how this stayed with her in her unconscious which she was only able to integrate through breathwork.
We talk about how Transformational breathwork is a powerful tool for anyone wanting to build their confidence and support their mental health.
We discuss the science of breathing and how we can change our physical and mental state by changing how we breathe. Jessie explains how we don’t pay enough attention to our breath but it can be so effective in managing stress/anxiety/ supporting our mental health and improving general health.
Jessie believes breathwork can help to shape a more conscious future for all, including our children.
If you would like to get in touch with Jessie, you can find her here:
Insta: @jessielaute
Website: jessielaute.com
Facebook: Jessie Laute Coach
To find a Transformational Breathwork facilitator in your area:

Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Ep010 - A Mojo Injection with JoJo Fraser
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
Saturday Nov 23, 2019
This week I'm joined by 'The Queen of Positivity' herself - Jojo fraser
Jojo is an Author, Podcaster and Motivational Speaker. She runs the Mummy Jojo blog and has been a mental health researcher for 6 years. She is often dubbed the 'Queen of positivity' and her intension is to give everyone she spends time with a ‘mojo injection’.
In the episode we discuss mental health and emotional wellbeing.
JoJo talks honestly and openly about her own experiences with her mental health and that of her Dad's.
We discuss the importance of looking beneath the surface when it comes to mental health. We are all different and have different stories.
We talk about the societal responsibility and how important education is in terms of increasing compassion, empathy and better understanding around mental health.
We talk about Motherhood, specifically relating to perfectionism and how this is usually our inner critical voice.
We talk about bringing more happiness into our lives and what we can do to raise our vibe and foster good mental fitness
JoJo believes ''We all have the potential to do wonderful things" and I totally agree!
You can find JoJo here:
Web: https://mummyjojo.com/
Facebook: Jojofraser

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Ep009 - The Explore More Mum with Ashley Glen
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
This week I'm joined by Ashley Glen - The Explore More Mum.
Ashley is a mum and personal trainer with a great sense of adventure and love for the great outdoors.
In this episode we discuss:
How exercise started off as a means of escapism for Ashley and grew into a passion and career.
We talk about using the elements and nature as your gym, and the numerous benefits that come with this. Physical but also mental and emotional. GP's are now prescribing nature as a form of medicine!
Ashley talks about turning challenges into oppertunites, and explained how being a single mum motivated her to find creative ways to train, explore and that she can do with her Son.
We talk about the importance of community and how connection is a vital part of health alongside fitness.
Ashley shares some words of encouragement and wisdom with how to get the ball rolling, get moving and gain confidence.
Ashley also shares some awesome advice around the practicalities of exercising including how to prioritise it and incorporate it into both your own and your families lives, getting creative with how and where you work out and what kit is useful and where to buy it.
This was a really motivating and informative chat, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Ashley can be found:
Instagram: theexploremoremum
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/theexploremoremum

Friday Oct 25, 2019
Ep008 - Identity with Anna Marsh
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
This week I discuss the topic of 'identity' with the awesome Anna Marsh.
Anna is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Women's Health Coach. She has a huge list of qualifications and experience that enables her to help women take back their power, and create a healthy body, happy heart and a healthy mind!
In this episode we discuss:
Anna's personal health journey (to date), and her approach to overcoming her health challenges or more accurately, her approach to these opportunities to grow - including hormonal imbalances, fatigue and digestive issues.
We talk about identity - this takes a huge shift during motherhood, full stop. Whether you're a new mum or have a little tribe, it's common to lose a sense of who we are when we become a mum. However, there it is also a great opportunity to reconnect with and create 'a you' who YOU love!
Our identity has so many layers to it and is hugely impacted by our surroundings, environment, external expectations and who we feel we 'should' be as well as who we were before becoming a mum. Anna brings her neuro-strategy skills, her wealth of coaching experience and human touch to explain identity from the perspective of our human needs and the personalities of the unconscious mind. It's so interesting and makes soooo much sense!
Anna is awesome at taking the science and translating it into language we can really resonate with. This language is what helps shift our perspective. She also shares some helpful tips we can go on to implement into our own lives.
Please let me know if you enjoyed this episode. I loved our chat big time!
Anne can be found at:
Insta: anna_marsh_nutrition
FB: https://www.facebook.com/annamarshnutrition/

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Ep007 - Ultra Running and Motherhood with Jasmin Paris
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
This week my guest is Jasmin Paris. Jasmin is a record-breaking mountain and fell runner, who has dominated in UK and international sky running, fell running and ultras for the past few years.
I first came across Jasmin following her incredible achievement when she won the Montane Spine Race earlier this year. Not only did she set a new race record running 268 miles across the Pennine way, she was a new mum at the time with a young baby who she expressed milk for along the way! Super inspiring!
In this episode I chatted to Jasmin about how she achieved this incredible record run as an athlete but also as a mum.
We talked about her approach to training and health while balancing motherhood, her career and life. She shared her experience of motherhood journey as an ultra-runner.
We talk Postnatal recovery and regaining her health fitness after the birth. Jasmin shares m her pre-baby expectations how they matched up to reality.
Jasmin shares an insight into her pregnancy and birth experience and tells us how she was running pretty much up to the birth.
We discuss what a day in the life of a runner mum looks like and how she fits it all in? I love how Jasmin describes her daughter as 'her teammate', we also talk about her network or support.
We talk about motivation and what gets her up in the morning, Especially after a disrupted night’s sleep
We discuss her breastfeeding experience, particularly expressing and feeding her daughter during the spine race.
Jasmin shares some words of wisdom to all the mum’s out there who would love to improve their health and fitness, get into running or maybe achieve a new race goal.
This is a really awesome and inspiring conversation. I hope you enjoy it.
Jasmin’s blog can be found here:

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Ep006 - Exploring Spirituality with Alex Manos
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Alex Manos is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist, Personal Trainer and Transformational Coach.
In this episode, we delve into spirituality. Alex gives a broad and beautiful insight into our approach to health and wellness from a functional medicine but also human perspective. He highlights the fact that we are all different and the importance of meeting all our basic human needs in order to feel whole. We talk about honouring these needs - physical, emotional, spiritual and or behavioural and most significantly how these aspects of health and wholeness are all interconnected and overlap.
web: alexmanos.co.uk
Insta: @alexandermanos
FB: alex manos health & performance
Books mentioned: Michael Pollen - The new science of psychedelics, Nancy Kline - Time to Think, Zac Bush - podcast with Rich Roll, Daniel Pink - Drive, Tony Robbins - 6 human needs.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Ep005 - Creating your own Success with Mikaela Jackson
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Mikaela Jackson is a personal performance coach, dedicated female champion and the founder of She Almighty which provides career, business, life coaching services and events for women.
We chat about creating a career you love, tips for approaching a career change, the mum/work-life juggle, building confidence, getting clarity and creating your own success!
Insta: @_shealmighty
FB: @shealmighty

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Ep004 - Self-Care and Self-Expression with Suzy Glaskie
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Suzy is a mum of 3 children and a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and the founder of Peppermint Wellness.
Instagram: peppermintwellness
In this episode, we talk about getting back in touch with yourself, 'micro self-care' for busy working parents, our need for self-expression and finding your flow through creativity.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Ep003 - Mental Health and Fatherhood with Mark Williams
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Mark is a Husband, Father, Mental health campaigner, Author, Coach and Motivational speaker. Following his own personal struggles with postnatal depression, Mark has dedicated his career to raising awareness and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health specifically in fatherhood.
Author of 'Daddy Blues' out now!

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Ep002 - Children's Health & Nutrition with Lucinda Miller
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Lucinda Miller, clinical lead of NatureDoc, is a Mum, a Family Naturopath and Functional Medicine Practitioner with over 20 years experience. www.naturedoc.co.uk
We discuss the common health presentations Lucinda sees in her clinic including; learning difficulties, neurological issues, behavioural issues and gut, skin and respiratory conditions. We talk about the role gut health and inflammation can play in the development of these conditions.