
Monday May 03, 2021
Ep021 - Baby Reflux with Aine Horner
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
A year late but sounding great!
A massive apology to Aine who was kind enough to give me her time and expertise, over a year ago, to record Episode 21 of the Be You Mum podcast. This episode also marks the end of an era with this podcast with it being the last episode. However, there are (loose) plans for a new podcast – The Energised Mother Podcast. Watch this space.
In this final episode, I chat to Aine Homer, A.K.A. The Baby Reflux Lady, whose mission is to bring clarity to the confusion around baby reflux.
She is the voice of unsettled babies, an advocate for parents and caregivers, an activist for changing how baby reflux is treated across the world, and an educator to all professionals who want to learn how babies can be better supported.
Her greatest gift to the world is in translating a baby's symptoms and behaviours into understanding and action. Showing you where to take action, how to free them from reflux and colic, and manage any allergies or intolerances.
Through her work (including The Baby Reflux Lady’s Survival Guide), Aine teaches parents how to read their baby’s symptoms, figure out what is causing their baby’s reflux (because reflux is a symptom and has multiple different causes), and then take that one action that is going to change their lives, because it addresses the underlying cause of their baby’s reflux.
This episode really is pack full of things you need to know including debunking some of the common myths. What you can do to help resolve reflux in your baby by understanding the potential underlying cause(s). And finally, which is soooo important, reassuring you that you DO know your baby better than anyone else.

Sunday May 02, 2021
Ep020 - Human Nature with Chris Newbold
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
In this episode, we delve into Human Nature. Chris speaks to the Wallace Stevens quote – “Human nature is like water, it takes the shape of its container.” Chris is a Nutritionist who works for Biocare, one of the UK’s leading food supplement companies. Chris is the head of nutrition strategy and organises education and training as well as driving Biocare’s product innovation strategy. He lectures widely on nutrition and related topics, mostly to students and practitioners all over the UK and beyond. We talk about how we have evolved over time and adapted to our environment – specifically relating to our 21st-century living and environment – and the impact of these on our stress response. Chris’s approach to health is creative and holistic with a focus on our human needs. I loved our discussion and could have spoken with Chris for much longer. We covered some really interesting topics including how we can restore balance or become more flexible in times of change. Chris shared some interventions we can adopt as part of our own ‘health tool kit’ to help us come back into sync with our body and environment and restore balance between mother nature and our human nature.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Ep019 - PCOS and Achieving Hormonal Harmony with Vivien Allred
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Vivien Allred is a UK based Naturopathic Nutritional therapist. She studied for 3 years at the College of naturopathic medicine, after struggling with her own health issues for many years during early adulthood, including hair loss, cystic acne, amenorrhea, PCOS & gut infections. She now works primarily with women struggling with hormonal imbalances and digestive issues, educating them about the healing properties of food, nutritional supplements, lifestyle and other natural remedies.
In this episode, we delve deep into polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Vivien shares a comprehensive overview of the varying symptoms associated with PCOS along with the different types. She clarifies the facts and dispels some of the myths and we discuss the different treatment approaches, both conventional and naturopathic. Vivien shares some powerful nutrition and lifestyle interventions that can help restore hormonal harmony from the roots as well as to prevent the progression of these symptoms.
Vivien is passionate about helping as many women as possible overcome their health issues and she is dedicated to sharing regular content, including weekly blog posts, newsletters and episodes on her podcast ‘Hormones in Harmony’ plus daily education, inspiration and Q&A’s on her Instagram page.
Vivien offers both online and in-person consultations (Manchester, England) and aims to identify and address the root causes of her clients’ symptoms, supporting them with personalised health protocols.
The 4 PCOS types and how to identify yours
Natural solutions for your PCOS type
PCOS: How to Reverse Insulin Resistance
PCOS tests to request
blood sugar tracking guide

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Ep018 - Change the Way You Think with Brian Costello of Headstrong Glasgow
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Brian Costello is an NLP Practitioner and Coach and Founder of Headstrong Minds, home of one of Scotland’s leading and most inspiring teams of mental health and change professionals
"We are experts in changing the way people think. It is a simple fact that if you can change the way you think then you WILL change the way you feel and if you change the way you feel you will act and behave differently in everything you do."
In this episode, we cover so much! It was such an informative and motivating conversation and I have to say it feels like the perfect time to tapping into Brian's wisdom around mental health, coping with and creating healthy change and taking back control of you thoughts, feelings and happiness.
A few things we covered:
- Mental health and how the approach to this has changed over the years
- Using painful and challenging situations to fuel change.
Modeling the message to our children, being open, honest, courageous and communicative and dumping the 'perfect, self-sacrificing parent' hat in the bin!
Something that really resonated with me was Brian's 'perfect family pyramid' in relation to priorities. Brian explains beautifully why filling up our own cup and fulfilling our own needs and desires is imperative for the future happiness of our children - modelling the message. Really powerful.
To find out more about Brian and the work he does:
Instagram: @headstrong_minds
Website: https://headstrongnlp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeadStrongMinds/
I hope you enjoy the episode, please let me know what you think :)

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Ep017 - Plant Based Eating with New Norm
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Norma is founder of New Norm a plant-based meal delivery company based in Edinburgh.
Norma's mission is to make it easier for people to enjoy eating a whole food plant-based diet without having to be chained to the kitchen meal prepping every weekend
In this episode, we talk about the Principles and benefits of plant-based eating and Norma shares some easy meal prep hacks to help us introduce more plant-based foods into our life.
You can contact Norma here:
Website https://newnorm.co.uk/
Instagram: newnorm_plantbased
Facebook: newnorm.plantbasedmealplans

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Ep016 - The Breastmilk Microbiome with Dawn Whitten
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Dawn Whitten is a Naturopath and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She is passionate about protecting and nurturing the microbiome of the next generation and has a broad-base of clinical experience with a focus on women’s health through pregnancy and beyond, and infant and toddler health. She has been in clinical practice for 17 years.
Dawn has a particular passion for improving practitioner knowledge in the area of lactation, maternal and infant health. She regularly presents at both National and International Conferences and Online Events. Many of her online lectures can be accessed from The Probiotic Advisor (see link below) where she covers topics like Introducing Complementary Foods to Infants, The Breastmilk Microbiome and Glycobiome and Infantile “Colic” and “Reflux” Unpacked.
Dawn regularly publishes papers in the peer-reviewed literature and has contributed to clinical textbooks. She coordinates two units within the Evidence-based Complementary Medicine Program in the College of Health & Medicine at the University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia). She also coordinates her clinic’s internship program and regularly mentors in her areas of expertise. She is part of the Probiotic Advisor Team - an online platform providing evidence-based information about probiotics and microbiome-related topics.
Dawn has three daughters spanning 7yrs to 26yrs who continue to contribute to her learning.
To find out more or get in contact with Dawn:
Many of Dawn's online lectures can be accessed from https://probiotic-advisor.teachable.com/
Dawn has kindly given listeners to this podcast 15% off her latest course on the Infant Microbiome. See link below. This offer is available until the 16th of March 2020 - to access this discount use the coupon code: HMO https://probiotic-advisor.teachable.com/p/the-infant-microbiome
Dawn practices at Goulds Natural Medicine in Hobart Tasmania a 130+ year old apothecary with associated clinic and herb farm. https://www.gouldsnaturalmedicine.com.au/philosophies

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Ep015 - Move, Breathe, Create with Che Dyer
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
🏃♀️Movement - stepping out of our heads and back into our bodies so we can feel more grounded. How we can shift our emotional state by moving our body.
👄Breathe - Using the breath to regulate our emotional state
🦄Create - the importance of Self-expression, how we can create our own health and happiness.

Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Ep014 -Dress To Impress Yourself with Rebecca Ffrancon
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Saturday Dec 28, 2019
Rebecca Ffrancon is a Personal Stylist & Colour Consultant on a mission to make women feel happier every morning when they stand in front of their wardrobes. Getting dressed in the mornings should be fun - after all, it's something we have to do every day, so why not wear the good stuff?
You have a choice every morning to hide or wear an outfit that makes you feel amazing. By having a wardrobe that reflects who you are, that makes sense for your lifestyle, suits your personality and your colouring and flatters your body, you can create a look that is totally you and that makes you feel good every day.
What we wear has such a big impact on our happiness levels - it's an expression of who you are and how you feel. Often when we're not feeling great, we can be tempted to hide behind black and baggy clothes, but wearing colour, pattern and an outfit you love will lift your mood and give you confidence. You don't have to be born stylish, you can learn it - there are rules and guidelines out there to help you get started and everyone can learn it!
Rebecca offers colour consultations, style consultations, wardrobe edits and personal shopping.
You can find out more about Rebecca and the services she offers at www.rebeccaffrancon.com and follow her on Facebook www.facebook.com/rebeccaffranconstyle or Instagram www.instagram.com/rebeccsffranconstyle

Monday Dec 16, 2019
Episode 013 - Live a more conscious life with Brie Cosma
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Brie Cosma is certified Consciousness Coach and counsellor who integrates astrology, mindfulness therapy and yogic philosophy into her practice. Brie offers 1:1 coaching packages which centre around mindset and emotional wellbeing, helping people break through fear, anxiety and self-doubt by cultivating a more empowered mindset.
Brie works with clients to uncover any limiting core beliefs that may be sabotaging their sense of self-confidence, self-worth and self-belief. Brie helps clients to heal the wounding around these beliefs so that they can free themselves from the trappings of the inner critic and all forms of fear-based, disempowering thought patterns.
Brie shares her personal story from being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at age 23 to an amazing journey of self-discovery and healing to being the amazing Coach she is today
The real message from this incredible story was question everything, become curious and be open to literally a universe of healing options!
On that note, we delve into Astrology and Moon phases and the impact natures rhythms have on our health.
For more information about Brie, her coaching packages and astrology readings go to www.briecosma.com
Insta: @briecosma

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Ep012 - Fertility Support with Sandra Greenbank
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
This week I'm joined by Sandra Greenbank. Sandra is a nutritional therapist, coach and functional medicine practitioner, specialising in fertility, prenatal and postpartum health.
Having worked in this field over the last ten years, as well as bringing up three little children, Sandra brings a wealth of both professional and personal experience to her client work. She runs a busy practice and consults 1-2-1 with clients all over the world via Zoom, as well as locally in Harpenden, Herts.
In this episode we discuss:
Common factors that affect both female and male fertility including, PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and Thyroid disease in women and poor sperm quality and asymptomatic infections in men
Unexplained fertility and the benefits of taking a functional medicine approach to help dig a little deeper and identify a possible root cause(s). We also talk about the importance of combining nutritional therapy with conventional methods as a partnership.
Sandra is dedicated to empowering her clients to understand and take back their health. We talk about what we can do (both men and Women) to prepare our bodies with healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices and how these are foundational regardless of what path of treatment is chosen.
Sandra shares her 4 Pillars which she teaches in her online fertility course - Food, supplements Lifestyle and Self-care and how we can take steps now to make changes and improve these areas of our health.
Sandra talks about some of the functional testing options and some of the tools she regularly uses in her clinical practise to help support her clients to improve their fertility outcomes.
We also touch on supplements, stress, sleep, hormones, and the importance of supporting the mother as early as possible into her motherhood journey. We cover so much!
Sandra has been super generous in giving the listeners of this podcast a £40 discount (valid until the end of this year) for her 3-month online course - The easy to follow natural preconception course for couples wanting to conceive. Details shared in podcast. You can find the link below:
Course link: www.bit.ly/fertilityfoundations
If you would like to get in touch with Sandra, you can find her here:
Instagram: @sandragreenbank_nutrition
Website www.sandragreenbank.co.uk
Email: hello@sandragreenbank.co.uk
Enjoy and let me know what you think :)